Chino Valley 9 to 10 feet tall
Chino Valley 9 to 10 feet tall
FORUM Prescott, Arizona
December 10, 1930
Editor The Courier
Dear Sir:-Chino Valley
Nearly every issue of the papers during the last week has had something to say about the the expedition going into Mexico to search for the bones of a race of giants. Why go to Mexico? Several years ago Bill Singleton, a boss on the highway told me while working on the road through Chino Valley some human bones were dug up which, when compared with the average bones of today, indicated that they belonged to a race of men who measured between nine and 10 feet tall. Jess kiple at Bruchman’s will verify this statement.
Another interesting find in this section was one made several years ago between Deweyand Humbolt a new piece of road cut into an old burial ground. Del Daves, now dead, doing some digging there, found two skeletons lying side by side, each about four feet long having enormous heads. Beth Gray, a mining man of this section who saw theĀ skulls, said they were so big that it woud take a number nine hat to fit them. Sincerely yours WILLIAM CROCKER
Research done by Rephaim23
“a race of men who measured between nine and 10 feet tall”
You ask, “how does effect evolutionary theory?”
Whenever the words “race” is used concerning giants it rules out physical anomalies like gigantism. Evolutionists attempt to explain-away by going into story-telling mode in the oral tradition of evolution, by what is referred to as “just-so” stories. Imaginative tales, but tall tales are no match for good science, or good anthropology from historical records. Evolution’s goal is to search for corroborating evidence while dismissing any opposition as an anomaly. Many times discoveries have reported a “giant race”, over and over and the methods of coverups have not always been effective. A giant race shows superiority, a process of devolution not evolution, it shows greater longevity and maturity than what exists today, and most of all it shows that the road to man is downhill, and only man has walked it, greater men.
~Chris L Lesley / Greater Ancestors World Museum
- Chino Valley 9 to 10 feet tall FORUM Prescott, Arizona December 10, 1930 Editor The Courier
- prescott evening courier, 11 december 1930 pg 5 Research done by Rephaim23
So where are these skulls and skeltons now? Any of them ever displayed in museums for visual proof?
Angela, I am a theme park artist by trade. I have done work for many museums including Ripleys, and the Spy Museum in DC. Technically there is no visual proof in any museum. Museums are filled with realistic replicas for the public me and a few others have mentioned items that you could go see even up to last year, real giants and they have all been taken down. If I were to say I hade real evidence for giants I would be breaking the NAPRA federal law. (I do not) But that is why I work hard to get replicas of these items and displays these replicas in my museum. There is evidence that you could go see, I would only announce it to a small circle of researchers.
The skulls and skeletons have most likely been hidden forever by the people, “in the know,” like the smithsonian and the lluminati. The fact that there was a race of giant 9-10ft. humans with blonde and red hair living on earth is controlled information that is classified. The four foot skeletons with huge heads sound like they were from the smaller humaniod E.T.’s like the ones who crashed thier craft in the roswell desert of new mexico in 1947. Check out the alien autopsy video of the roswell alien. She was small with a huge head and very large eyes compared to humans as we know the rest of the body was very similar. She was under 5ft, had six fingers and six toes on each arm and leg, a huge, huge cranium, and very large eyes with two sets of eyelids. It was real, and so are the giants. I believe they still exist. I’ve been studying it myself because it is super interesting, right?