Chedley Park Station 8′ 6
An Aboriginal Giant.
THE Woolgar correspondent of the Townsville Herald writes :—When passing through Chedley Park Station, one of the Messrs. Anning’s related the following :—Between Cambridge
Creek and the table land, an aboriginal has been repeatedly seen among the ridges abounding in this country, who
measures in statute about eight feet six inches. He is a well made and a powerful-looking giant, stout in proportion. His foot-track measures about
sixteen or seventeen inches from toe to heel, and his single stride is over five feet. This monster blackfellow is
always well armed, and carries an enormous shield and spears, nullah nullahs, &c. He is invariably accompanied by three white gins, who carry most of his tremendous weapons and procure him food.” This story was partly confirmed by a digger, who being in search of his missing horse, happened by accident to stumble across this giant’s great tracks. “I was so taken back,” said Bill to me, “that had I not heard my horse’s bell close by I should have given it up and made tracks. You bet, I kept my weather-eye open and the old shooting iron carefully loaded until I got among white men again.”
Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate (NSW : 1876 – 1954) Sat 8 May 1880 Page 2 An Aboriginal Giant