Catalina Island, California Giants 3-6 x larger
Some time in the late 19th century, giants with double rows of teeth, red hair, and skulls 3 to 6 times the size of normal humans were discovered on Catalina Island in California.
The Catalina Islands, off California, are the home of dwarf mammoth bones that were once roasted in ancient fire pits. These were roasted and eaten by human-like creatures who were giants with double rows of teeth.
Prof. R. Glidden had extensive survey of the channel Islands in the twenties and thirties, he even had a museum showcasing the bones of these big early Americans like one would showcase a mastadon or something– kind of disrespectful, but was what it was. Apparently numerous giants of 7 to 9 foot tall were found in those islands, some had blond and red hair it was reported. I have absolutely no doubt this sort of shit is seriously being covered up, same with the red haired giants in Hawaii, and Nevada. Again, maybe the idea of real giants is too explosive and controversial for the public to handle… Hard to say. But mathematically, it is impossible for all of these finds to disappear by mere coincidence.
i am enjoying all of the giant articles you’ve compiled on your site. i had no idea there were so many locally in north america although i’ve stumbled on bits and pieces of many other things. it really puts these giant discoveries in perspective seeing the vast amount of evidence from the past.
i grew up in a rural mountain canyon area of northern los angeles. i live out of state now but even while there i always felt a super strong connection to knowing and exploring local histories. i wanted to find the fossils, bottles, petroglyphs, travel down those dirt roads. …as a child i always felt like there was this other layer, of things that were really fantastic in this world, yet all i was told in school drained that idea away from me until somehow i washed that off. it’s been awhile now but it’s history like this among other things that re-captures what i felt all along…that there is SO much, and it is absolutely the way to feel. only now it is not vague/dreamlike, it is grounded and concrete. i know i’m not the only one. thanks for this piece of the puzzle!
Hi! Just wanted to interject-It is my understanding that this sort of thing has been “discovered” pretty much worldwide, but have never personally seen any proof of such. What I do offer, if this is indeed true is the following; Very early Vikings/Saxons etc. were often quite tall-much taller than an indigenous/native population would typically be-after many hundreds of years of integrating w/native populaces, it would only make sense that overall, the height would decrease over time so an estimate of 7-8 feet does not seem terribly off-base to me. However, I have had many friends that could be considered “giants” by some shorter people-including one just over 7 ft. and another just under-both had Scandinavian, Danish or northern European roots. If a native population had seen these people, they would have certainly considered them ‘giants’ by comparison. My own familial background is Swedish/Sami w/some Saxony/Russian tossed in-males in my family are rarely under 6 foot 4 w/females around 5′ 9″–we all have red hair genes [either born w/red hair or it became reddish over time-most of us have eyes that turn colors as we age-most often going from dark brown or slate grey to bright green over time. I had two rows of teeth until dental work as a teen [the back row being extracted], which is quite common in my family as well–lot’s of other things that are strange, but this article is quite believable knowing what I do know-populations change physically over time, whether via intermarrying other cultures or simply impractical physical features carried over from past gens. [wisdom teeth are one of these features and many people are no longer being born w/them]. At any rate-what we often think of as science is nothing more than propaganda and bull-shit–scientists hate to admit they were wrong I suppose-good article.
It seems that R. Glidden was far from a Doctor or an archeologist, never finished high school, was more of a grave robber who desecrated the burial mounds of hundreds of Indians, adult and children, for bones and artifacts to cobble together a morbid collection of skulls and bones in a mosaic fashion, to line the walls of his own sensational and tacky museum. His pictures document his plundering and pilfering and destruction. I’d like to know if, of all the bones he dug up from their final resting places, if he kept even one skeleton in it’s complete set, together? I’m disgusted by his audacity!
You are absolutely right, S guthrie. The search for knowledge is important, but it must be done respectfully. What Glidden did is offensive, both to academia and to the descendants of the native Americans who once lived in the Channel Islands
We have been lied to by the powers that be, LIES LIKE COLUMBUS DISCOVERED AMERICA BULLSHIT!! Everything our government told us is a LIE!!. These GIANTs were are real, they were covered up so that people dont know the truth of GOD and Satan. CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY WHO YOU WILL SERVE