Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Cape Skull & Jaw of Huge Dimensions

A skull was exhumed which must have belonged to one of great age, as the sutures were entirely obliterated and the tables firmly cemented together. From the supercilliary ridges, which were well developed, the frontal bone receeded almost on a direct line to the place of the occipital and parietal sutures, leaving no forehead and has the appearance of having been done by artificial means, as practiced at present on the Columbia among the Flat Heads.

A jaw-bone of huge dimensions was likewise found, which was coveted by the observer; but the suspicians of the owner of the soil believing it was sacriligious and that he would be visited by the just inndignation of Heaven if he suffered any of the teeth to be removed, prevailed on us to return again to its mother earth.

The discovery of an ancient skull and jaw-bone of huge dimensions is certainly an exciting find for researchers and historians alike. The fact that the sutures of the skull were entirely obliterated and the tables firmly cemented together, suggests that this skeleton belonged to one of great age. The absence of a forehead on the skull is also a unique feature that may have been the result of artificial means, as practiced by the Flat Heads of Columbia.

The discovery of such a unique skeleton has the potential to provide valuable insight into the lives and customs of ancient civilizations. The size of the jaw-bone suggests that this individual may have had a unique diet or lifestyle, which could shed light on the food sources and living conditions of the time.

Preserving such a skeleton would also allow for further research and analysis, which could provide more detailed information about the individual’s age, health, and lifestyle. The study of ancient skeletons has already yielded important discoveries about human evolution, migration patterns, and the development of diseases. By studying this unique skeleton, researchers may be able to make even more significant contributions to our understanding of the past.

Unfortunately, the owner of the land believed that removing any teeth from the jaw-bone would be sacrilegious and refused to allow it to be taken away for further study. This is a shame, as it means that researchers may never be able to fully understand the significance of this unique find. It is important that we continue to educate people about the value of preserving historical artifacts and the potential benefits that can come from scientific research.

  1. The History of Cape May New Jersey, 1897

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