Brown County Giants
Femur Bones Found of Such Great Length as to Indicate That the Possessors in Life Must Have Been From Seven to Eight Feet in Height Flint Arrow Heads and Stone Pipes. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct. 22. – Excavations being made on a farm owned by S. H. Elliott and his son in Brown County have brought to light some important and interesting specimens of the work of Indian mound builders. Near their building is an Indian mound five or six feet high through which they have been digging with a view to constructing a barn. The excavation they have made is about sixteen feet wide and five feet deep, and in the course of digging, they have found the skeletons of nine persons who were evidently Indians. In some instances, only the skulls have been found, but in others, there were bones enough to show that the people buried there were very tall. Some femur bones have been found which are of such great length as to indicate that the possessors of them in life must have been from seven to eight feet in height. The bodies appear to have been buried face downward, with the bodies doubled backward, so that the heels rested upon the back of the head or at the sides of it. The bones of one child were found, by the side of which was found the skeleton of a dog, which, it is supposed, was killed and buried with its young master in order that it might accompany him as a playmate in his journey to the happy hunting grounds. A considerable number of flint arrowheads and some stone pipes were found near the bones. Mr. Elliott says the pipes are different from anything that has ever been found in other Indian mounds opened in this region. They are not made of the red pipestone almost invariably used, and they are made in a different form. Instead of having an opening at the side for a stem, they have a hole in the bottom. In shape, they are much like the modern cob pipe and are of a very hard stone, something like flint, which must have been very difficult to work into shape from the original rock. Further digging is yet to be done in the mound after which a collection of the articles unearthed will be gathered and placed on exhibition. There are evidences in the vicinity showing that the earth used in the construction of the mound was dug up and carried from a distance of ten or twelve rods.
Found Giant Skeletons
S. H. Elliott of Brainard Township, Brown County, has recently opened an Indian mound on his farm and found many very interesting relics and Indian remains.
The skeletons of nine persons have thus far been exhumed, and judging by the size of the bones some of them must have been seven or eight feet in height when alive.
The bodies appear to have been doubled backward when buried. Several pipes and flint arrow heads have also been found near the bones. The earth of which the mound is formed appears to have been carried some little distance.
There are several types of pituitary gland dysfunctions that could cause an individual to be in the seven to eight feet range. Rare cases of Acromegaly or Gigantism are caused by pituitary tumors that cause the liver to secret GH growth hormones. Sometmes tumors from other organs can also secrete GH. Robert Wadlow who was a victim of this type of disease died at a very young age. These skeletons that were found in SD are not an isolated decrepit like Wadlow. These were healthy individualsmature in stature. This was the norm not an isolated incident. I am reminding you that there are nine skeletons of great size.
Dakota farmers’ leader., October 27, 1899, Image 6
Research done by Chris L. Lesley

Femur Bones Found of Such Great Length as to Indicate That the Possessors in Life Must Have Been From Seven to Eight Feet in Height Flint Arrow Heads and Stone Pipes. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct. 22. – Excavations being made on a farm owned by S. H. Elliott and his son in Brown County have brought to light some important and interesting specimens of the work of Indian mound builders. Near their building is an Indian mound five or six feet high through which they have been digging with a view to constructing a barn. The excavation they have made is about sixteen feet wide and five feet deep, and in the course of digging, they have found the skeletons of nine persons who were evidently Indians. In some instances, only the skulls have been found, but in others, there were bones enough to show that the people buried there were very tall. Some femur bones have been found which are of such great length as to indicate that the possessors of them in life must have been from seven to eight feet in height. The bodies appear to have been buried face downward, with the bodies doubled backward, so that the heels rested upon the back of the head or at the sides of it. The bones of one child were found, by the side of which was found the skeleton of a dog, which, it is supposed, was killed and buried with its young master in order that it might accompany him as a playmate in his journey to the happy hunting grounds. A considerable number of flint arrowheads and some stone pipes were found near the bones. Mr. Elliott says the pipes are different from anything that has ever been found in other Indian mounds opened in this region. They are not made of the red pipestone almost invariably used, and they are made in a different form. Instead of having an opening at the side for a stem, they have a hole in the bottom. In shape, they are much like the modern cob pipe and are of a very hard stone, something like flint, which must have been very difficult to work into shape from the original rock. Further digging is yet to be done in the mound after which a collection of the articles unearthed will be gathered and placed on exhibition. There are evidences in the vicinity showing that the earth used in the construction of the mound was dug up and carried from a distance of ten or twelve rods.
Found Giant Skeletons
S. H. Elliott of Brainard Township, Brown County, has recently opened an Indian mound on his farm and found many very interesting relics and Indian remains.
The skeletons of nine persons have thus far been exhumed, and judging by the size of the bones some of them must have been seven or eight feet in height when alive.
The bodies appear to have been doubled backward when buried. Several pipes and flint arrow heads have also been found near the bones. The earth of which the mound is formed appears to have been carried some little distance.
There are several types of pituitary gland dysfunctions that could cause an individual to be in the seven to eight feet range. Rare cases of Acromegaly or Gigantism are caused by pituitary tumors that cause the liver to secret GH growth hormones. Sometmes tumors from other organs can also secrete GH. Robert Wadlow who was a victim of this type of disease died at a very young age. These skeletons that were found in SD are not an isolated decrepit like Wadlow. These were healthy individualsmature in stature. This was the norm not an isolated incident. I am reminding you that there are nine skeletons of great size.
Dakota farmers’ leader., October 27, 1899, Image 6
Research done by Chris L. Lesley