Bridgeport Connecticut, Skeletons oF Great Strength
(This article is from a document reader and has not been edited)
Skeletons In Connecticut Believed te Be of Prehistoric Race Bridgeport. Conn., Aug. IS, Twe complete, skeletons, believed te have he. lengid te inhabitants of the earth in the1 Stene Age, nre said te have been un earthed by a bund of nit heolegista headed by Prof Warren King .Moere, ‘head, of nitiennl repute, near the Heu- -siitenlc IUvcr nt Lnurel Bench. The bones of both skeletons are rough, denoting gnat strength The skulls arc Hat and both iessesH a perfect set of teeth of unusual Hi7e Prof Moorehead said It was his belief the bodies were burled In salt water many thousand jears age, which accounts for thur prcsevatien.
Evening public ledger., August 18, 1922, Final, Page 6, Image 6
About Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942