Boca Grande 7 foot skeletons

Boca Grande, Fla., Feb. 14. – Discovery of a skull one-fourth larger than that of the normal modern man, together with bones indicating a probable height of not less than seven feet today led to speculation over theories of a giant race believed to have inhabited Florida before the coming of the Spaniard.
The portions of the skeleton were found yesterday by workmen grading a road near the Charlotte and Lee county lines. The skull, which had to be immersed in a gelatin solution before measurements could be taken, was 23 centimeters in length and 18 in width. The length of a thigh bone was 63 centimeters. The bones are believed to be those of a male.
The specimens are being prepared for shipment to the Smithsonian Institute which already has dispatched one unsuccessful expedition to Florida to excavate shell mounds on the west coast in search of proof of the giant race theory.
Road-crews grading between the Charlotte and Lee County Lines in Boca Grande Florida. There, they found the bones of of a 7 foot male human and were sent to the Smithsonian Institution.
Also: the skull was said to be 1/4th larger than that of today’s lesser descendants. The large bones and the skull indicates that the individual was most likely larger than 7 feet.