Billy Harman’s Giant confirmed by Jim Vieira
Human Skeleton Unearthed By Steelville Lad
Big thanks to the followup of this story.
This is one of the most interesting stories because of the follow-up findings.
Jim and Bill Vieira on the History Channel series “Search for the Lost Giants: A Photo, A Tooth, The Truth?” travel to Steelville and visit the archives there as well as the cave itself. Two great discoveries are made there, one being a tooth from an eight foot six Ozark giant found in a niche of the North wall by Bill Vieira with the assistance of Brad H’Doubler .
The other is a photo from the Steelville Ledger, found by JimVieira with the assistence of James Clary this is taking giant research to the next level, and is what is expected with all successful follow ups.
Both a photo and a tooth confirm there indeed was a giant, the veil is now lifted, this is a game changer with two strong corroborating
During their quest they were able to find an old-timer who had is rib repaired by Doc Parker when he was younger. Jim and James talk to a descendant of the Billy
Harman, named Ed Harman. While reading Jim ind
received a letter of interest from the Smithsonian Institution from Washington D.C. and requested that “they ship the skeleton to Washington DC so as t
o be studied by the experts” Doctor Parker made shipment at the beginning of the week.
~Chris L Lesley
Research originally done by Rephaim23/Micah Ewers (the greatest giant human researcher on
the planet, and a human Encyclopaedia on Giants)
- The New Age Magazine, March,1913. WHITE RIVER TRAIL, by Victor Schoffelmayer.
(more on this find later) Brad H’Doubler
The tooth turned out not to hominid, but the evidence we found in Steeleville was compelling indeed. I have NO doubt that an eight ft skeleton was dug out of that cave. I am currently investigating another Missouri story posted on your site and am making very good progress. Thx for your page!
James Clary
Thanks James,
Now that you are a big star what’s next? Everyone you remember James Clary? Go back and watch the episode on “the tooth”. He is the machete welding cave guide, and researcher for the Search for Lost Giants Show on the History Channel. That was the whole idea of Me and Micah Ewers getting this information out there. We were hoping people would follow up on these articles, no one has done that better than you guys. The tooth was said to not be human, what does that mean? Antelope, Nephilim, Alien or Liberal? Not human does sound like a dismissal, and that it was never investigated. May i ask what happened to it?
Thanks again for your follow-ups (GAWM field agent James Clary)
You are always welcome to comment here.
~Chris L Lesley
Hey Chris,
Sorry I didn’t reply sooner; I didn’t know you had replied as I don’t get any notification. Feel free to email me at I have talked to Micah quite a bit but would LOVE to get your insight/help and share anything I have found with you. The network still has possession of the tooth. I thought, too, that the dismissal was a bit too quick. I checked the tooth against known animals and was unable to find a match. Dentists I know SWEAR it is a human tooth. I haven’t asked Jim yet as I have deluged him with issues concerning the case I am working. Things look pretty good for a 2nd season and hopefully we can do another Ozarks episode. Having said that, I am much less interested in TV than I am just getting to the bottom of the mystery; like you guys! Your research has been immensely helpful, but I would REALLY like to talk to you in more detail. Can you shoot me an email and I’ll send you my cell. Looking forward to comparing notes! Thanks for all your help.
I noticed in the Pucketts Cave episode that they said they were doing research in the Missouri Ozarks. They also said something about not expecting to look for giants in the “deep south.”
Missouri is not “deep south.” It is usually considered Midwest and part of the “Plains States.” Locally, it is one of the “Four States” region.
According to, the Midwest is:
A region of the north-central United States around the Great Lakes and the upper Mississippi Valley. It is generally considered to include Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska.
In my experience, 2 ways you can identify a southern or “deep south” state are: grits come automatically with breakfast (whether you want them or not) and ice tea is always sweet tea. In Missouri grits are usually not offered and ice tea is either unsweet or they ask you if you prefer “sweet or unsweet.”
Just sayin’.
I’m curious as to all of the dismissal in general that surround all the investigations around this area of study.. Guinness book of world records has confirmed the tallest man to hv been 8,11″ … Just bc he was not a cave dweller doesn’t mean he isn’t of giant blood.. Jus sayin!.. Good luck I support u and Jim Vieira, I think u all need to keep it up, on behalf of others who feel like I do, you both are very appreciated ~ thank u!!!
…also I am still interested in finding out about the bones that are supposed to be at the smithsonian … On the show the prof at nyu, said they received 100’s of donations.. As I recall the article u and Jim found on he microfiche at the library in Steelville, the smithsonian “requested” that R.C. Parker “send the bones to them”… … ………
I am the owner of Puckets Cave and have questions and information re my cave.
I am the owner of “Puckets Cave” hear after refered to as Bluffhaven. i have several questions and information re Bluffhaven. my email is available.
I sent you an email, thanks for contacting me Michael, I am looking forward to our conversation.
~Chris L Lesley
I caught your ‘ In Search of Lost Giants” just last night on The History Channel. I was so intrigued with it, I had to watch it straight through. Did you guys ever find that chamber in Goshen or find out a meaning on those boulders? I hope you prove them all wrong about a possible missing
link in our early beginnings. Seems there is so much they still do not know about our own early beginnings hate to admit it. Were you ever given permission to take a peek at the guy that was buried by the monks as well. ? Hope they let you do another documentary on The History Channel….God speed guys…..Keep looking….it’s all there…
Ellane Jaramillo
Do you know, yet, if there’s going to be another season of “In Search of Lost Giants”?
That be my Great Uncle Catfish Billy Lo
The LDS people believe in the records and religion of the ancient inhabitants of North America. There is a lot of evidence, artifacts, ancient references to a giant people in ancient America found in this lecture by Wayne May (publisher of Ancient American magazine, here:
Giant info starts after minute 48.