Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Battle Lake Minnesota 8 Footer

1915.09.11 - The Pueblo Indicator
Human Skeleton is Found

The Pueblo Indicator – Sep 11, 1915
Workers Stumble on It While Digging Gravel Near Battle Lake,
Battle Lake, Minn.-While hauling e gravel from the Thore Glende farm northwest of here workmen discovered a huge human skeleton. The jaw bones were in good state of preservation and were of mammoth size. The teeth were intact and about twice h the size of the average man’s. Some of the teeth looked as though they had been filled with cement, but in all probability were sound at the time of death and the enamel had decayed, leaving the darker colored interior ex- posed.
The jaw was taken to St. Louis by L. D. Johnson, who was present when the skeleton was discovered, and possibly experts there can throw some light upon the discovery. Those who saw the remains estimated that when living the man must have been fully eight feet in height.

The discovery of a huge human skeleton near Battle Lake, Minnesota, as reported by The Pueblo Indicator in 1915, is an intriguing find that raises many questions about the past. The estimated height of eight feet is astounding, as it suggests the existence of a giant humanoid species that has not yet been fully explored or understood by many. The intact teeth that were twice the size of the average man’s teeth, with some looking as though they were filled with cement, indicate that this species was not only larger but also possibly more advanced than the average man of our time.

If this skeleton had not been lost or was found in a museum storage somewhere, it would be a valuable resource for researchers and scholars studying human history. It could potentially provide insight into the origin of giant humanoids and their migration patterns. Additionally, analysis of the teeth and jaw could reveal information about the diet and lifestyle of this species, shedding light on their culture and behavior.

It is disheartening to think that this valuable artifact may have been lost or neglected, as such discoveries are rare and can greatly enhance our understanding of human history. As researchers, it is important to advocate for the preservation and study of such artifacts, not only for our own curiosity but also to expand our knowledge and appreciation of the diverse range of human cultures and species that have existed throughout history.

The Pueblo Indicator – Sept 11, 1915

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