Amelia Island Giant Stone Axe
I plan on doing an exhaustive investigation on the large stone axe that was found at Amelia Island, i am hoping that i am able to replicate it and add to my current. collection.
The excavator of the mound in question was a Doctor named Augustus Mitchell. He exclaimed that in the mound coal was evenly diffused throughout the mound, which contained little evidence of pottery.
Mitchell found two Hatchets, one of which i believe i have seen at the Amelia Island Historical Museum. He claimed that there was a giant stone axe which wasthe largest he had seen. The Giant hatchet had the marks of being burnt and lay next to a large skull, and a skeleton about 7 feet long.
I live near Amelia Island and know many people on the historic society, i attend functions, i will investigate more on these artifacts.
~Chris L Lesley
Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, 1874, Antiquities of Florida, by Augustus Mitchell, M.D.. of St. Mary’s Georgia.
(Mitchell, 1875, p. 390;
Fritz Zimmerman: The Nephilim Chronicles, Angels in the Ohio Valley.