A mention of Giant Hawaiians
A mention of Giant Hawaiians
A mention of Giant Hawaiians Research done by Chris L Lesley NORTHERN BRANCH OF PEOPLE TRACED TO GUAM. Excavations Reveal Monoliths and Burial Tombs of Ancient Tribe Unlike Present. HONOLULU, T. H., Sept. 9.-(Special.) As a result of recent explorations on the island of Kauai by Dr. Herbert E. Gregory, director of the Bishop museum, the theory now is being propounded that the northern branch of the Hawaiian people migrated to these islands through a northeast route from Guam to Midway and then to Kauai. Gregory’s exploration work, combined with data unearthed in Guam by Hans G. Hornbostel and Commander J. Thompson, has led to the formation of the theory.
During the exploration on Guam, there was discovered remains of giant monoliths and burial tombs, and also skulls and skeletons of an ancient people who were very large and utterly unlike the Micronesian peoples who inhabited that region in later years. The great stones were raised with what must have been Herculean effort, for they weighed 30 tons or more, larger than any stones in the pyramids of Egypt. The uncovering of the bones of a giant race, about the size of the ancient Hawaiians, is the startling part of the Guam discovery and is evidence that some trace other than the Micronesian passed through Guam in ancient times.
Comparison of the skulls found in Guam with those found in the lost valleys of Kauai show them to be identical. The characteristics are outstanding in both cases and in all cases alike. The scientists connected with the Bishop museum believe they are on the track of some wonderful knowledge of the migrations of the various races of the Pacific.
- The Sunday Oregonian, September 10, 1922, Section Three, Page 9, Image 55.
- Research done by Chris Lesley
The Sunday