A Human Monster at Mesa Rico
Reminiscent Find of a Race Without Name or History.
Santos Lopez came in from Chaparito today and reports the country on the Mesa Rico wild with excitement over the unearthing of the well-preserved skeleton of a human giant in that vicinity. Tradition had long whispered of the burial of such a human monster in that country, and Luciano Quintana organized a party of five persons to locate it. They found it on the premises of Quintana’s ranch, the great grave being marked at the head and foot by rough-hewn building stone. The grave was 15 feet long and eight feet in width. The body had been broken in order to get it into the grave, which was too short. The forearm, from wrist to elbow, measures four feet. The jawbone is a good three feet. Only the lower jawbone is preserved. In it is a tooth large enough for a milk stool. The ribs are enormous. The five men who saw the grave opened and who measured the dead giant agreed that his chest measurement could not have been less than 8 feet. Other rough tombstones in that vicinity indicate that thereabouts sleep other remnants of a race without a name and without a history written only in the bowels of the silent earth.
- Arizona Optic.
- The Deseret News – Jan 30, 1902pg.8
- Research done by Rephaim23