Skeletons of Giants found in Alaska
Skeletons of Giants Found in Alaska
Giants found in Alaska
Vancouver, II. C, Nov. 17. James owner of the famous Yellow Jacket mine In Atlin. has another story to tell of his mine, almost as marvelous that about the rich vein of gold struck In the Yellow Jacket, which Is said to have been the richest stringer or pocket ever found In the province.
His story Is to the effect that while tunneling his mine he unearthed the skull of a human being, which seemed to be larger and flatter than any he had read about, and. his curiosity being aroused, he Investigated the ground about his claim, and found that his mine was located In an ancient burying ground. After some pains he unearthed two complete skeletons, one measuring seven feet and the other is five ten Inches In length. Parkinson believes that his find proves that there was a race of giant In that northern latitude contemporary with the mammoth age. The skeletons were well preserved In the frozen ground, and will be brought to civilization next summer. There were unusually shaped bones and sharpened stones found In the graves with the Indians. “Giants found in Alaska”
Gen. Miles Report
Evening bulletin., November 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 7
About Evening bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1895-1912
at the end of the OCR, I’m pretty sure it says “sharpened stones”–makes sense in context.
Thanks JD.