6-6’6″ Giants found in Magnolia Springs
Pottery, Axes and Arrow Heads are Also Found Buried With Pre-
historic Seminoles. huge indians
A prehistoric burial mound of the Seminole Indians has just been found at Magnolia Springs, Fla. Dr. E. J. Tomson and John Kendrick, a well known artist of New York, made the discovery a few days ago, and after two days of excavation. huge indians
Three skeletons, half a dozen skulls four arrow heads, and pieces of pottery, were obtained on the first day, three more skeletons and six arrow heads and stone axes were dug up.
Dr. Tomson said it was impossible to say how long the bodies and relics had been buried there, but he believed
them to be prehistoric.
The skeletons all measured more
than 6 feet. One measuring 6 feet 6 inches is perfectly preserved, and in the skull the teeth remain perfect. The size of the jaw is remarkable. The root of a tree has grown in tho
exact shape of another skull.
The skeletons were found lying face downward with heads to the south. huge indians
It is a known fact that the aborigine buried with their chiefs and priests their favorite pieces of pottery containing food to nourish them on their
Journey to the Happy Hunting Ground.
It is also known that the tribes
burned the sand so as to preserve their dead and Dr. Tomson says the sand excavated has the queer look of burned sand. As there is no suitable
Stone in Florida the doctor has concluded that the arrow heads originally came from some of the Northern Indian tribes. The mound is sixty feet long, 30 feet wide and twelve feet high. It is located in a clump of live oaks and long leaf pines, 200 feet from tho St. John’s River. The largest four trees almost mark the four corners of the mound.
They are neatly 5O feet high and 4 feet in diameter. The explorers are continuing their work In the hope of adding more curious to their collections. They will send the skeletons to tho Museums of Natural History at Jacksonville and New York.
Perrysburg journal. (Perrysburg, Wood Co., O. [Ohio]), 23 March 1916. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87076843/1916-03-23/ed-1/seq-2/>
“They will send the skeletons to tho Museums of Natural History at Jacksonville and New York.” This is a very interesting sentence, seeing that I am from Jacksonville, I can tell you that the nearest Museum of natural history is in Gainesville.
In Jacksonville the only museum of this type is the Mosh museum.
So this is one that i can check into seeing that it is in the city that i currently reside in.
Chris L Lesley / Greater Ancestors World Museum