12′ Irish Petrified Giant
Irish petrified giant.
The coffin shaped packing case containing the alleged petrfed giant lies in the goods yard, with a crate on top of him lest he tries to come to life.
The fossilized Irish giant from 1895 is over 12 feet tall. The giant was discovered during a mining operation in Antrim, Ireland. The primary picture is courtesy “the British Strand magazine of December 1895″ Height, 12 foot 2 inches; girth of chest, 6 foot 6 inches; length of arms 4 foot 6 inches. There are six toes on the right foot
The Saint Paul globe., September 27, 1903, Page 24, Image 26
About The Saint Paul globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905
Skeleton of a 12 ft giant was reported at Breaffy, Glenmask Ireland.
The skeleton of a 10 ft tall prehistoric giant with a skull 18 inches tall was reported in 1914 at Dysart, Ireland.
The United Press, 1951 reported that a race of 7 feet tall skeletons in a 2,000 BC burial chamber.