Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Montgomery County 9 footer


Montgomery County 9 footer

Giant’s Skeleton

Dayton, O., Nov. 25. The skeleton of a human giant was found in the gravel pit east of the city by W. C. Fry, the owner of that pit. He found it measured about nine feet in length. The skull was six times larger than that of the average Caucasian. Professors Metzler and Foeste of the Steele High school believe the bones are those of a member of the primeval race.

  1. Mansfield Daily Shield – Nov 25, 1904 pg 1 “the skeleton of a human giant, . . it measured about 9 feet in length, the skull was sizx times larger than an average Caucasian.” Research done by Rephaim23
  2. Mansfield Daily Shield -August 7, 1905, pg 2.
  3. The morning Times, September 29, 1895 Part 2, Pg 20
  4. The History of Portage County, Ohio. 1885 pg 220. East Bank – Miami River
  5. A Tradition of Giants, Ross Hamilton (two accounts)*Ross source foot 303 1848, R977.1-H83, Miamisburg Public Library (Historical Collections of Ohio)
  6. The Daily Argus News, August 18, 1899, Page 1.
  7. The Historical Collections of Ohio, R977.1-H83, Miamisburg Public Library, 1848. GIANTS ON RECORD, Americas Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files.
  8. The Historical Collections of Ohio, 1881. Miamisburg Mound. “The bones were preserved by Dr. Treon, and were of enormous size, a jaw bone slipping easily over those of the largest man, flesh and all.”
  9. The Miamisburg News April 29, 1920. GIANTS ON RECORD, Americas Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files.
  10. Dayton Daily News, February23, 1932. THE DAY THEY OPENED THE MIAMISBURG MOUND. GIANTS ON RECORD, Americas Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files.
  11. The Middletown Signal, January 17, 1899. BONES OF PREHISTORIC GIANT FOUND NEAR MIAMISBURG., GIANTS ON RECORD, Americas Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files.
  12. The Fostoria Review – Dispatch, July 25, 1901, page 2. Marietta, Washington County, Ohio. MARIETTA EARTHWORKS. GIANTS ON RECORD, Americas Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian 119.
  13. The Daily Press, Augist 3, 1905. Dayton Ohio. GIANT SKELETONS IN THE GRAVEL PIT. GIANTS ON RECORD, Americas Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files. page178.
  14. The Washington Post, December 25, 1898. Monster Skeleton Discovered in the Miami Valley Believed to be a Moundbuilder. Ponderous Jaws, Strongly marke Orbital Plates, and Queer Facial Angles Form a study, . . .the Bones Proves that They Belonged to a Man and Not an Enormous Monkey.
  15. The Daily Telegraph, January 21, 1899. GIGANTIC BODY RECOVERED, “they unearthed the whole skeleton and finally realized its size they were aghast. . . . Its Gigantic proportions.
  16. The Daily Guernsey Times, August 8, 1905. Dayton Ohio. Giant Skeleton. the bones were of those of a man of abnormal growth. . . remarkale for the great length of the arms. . .
  17. The Middletown News – Jun 22, 1905 pg 1. 9 footer in Montgomery county, Dayton Ohio.


