Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Bones of Remarkable size in a Fortress Michigan

On the river Huron, thirty miles from Detroit, and about eight miles from lake St. Clair, are a number of small mounds, situated on a dry plain, or bluff near the river. Sixteen baskets full of human bones, of a remarkable size, were discovered in the earth while sinking a cellar on this plain, for the missionary. Near the mouth of this river, on the east bank, are ancient works representing a fortress, with walls of earth thrown up, similar to those of Indiana and Ohio.At Belle-Fontaine, or Spring-Wells, three miles below Detroit, are three small mounds, or tumuli, standing in a direct line, about ten rods apart. One of these having been opened, bones, stone-axes, arrow-heads, &c. were found in abundance. About one fourth of a mile below these, are still to be seen the remains of an ancient fortification. A breastwork, in some places three or four feet high, encloses several acres of firm ground, in the centre of an extensive marsh.

You may also find information here:

Civil History of Michigan, 1895


