Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Stanly County, 6’9 3/4″ Tar Heel Giant

Giant of the Tar Heel State

Will Austin, the tall man of Stanly County, now working at the old blacksmith shop on Lee Street, is twenty-one years old on the 18th of April, measures 6 feet 9 84 inches in his stocking feet, and is still growing. He weighs 225 pounds and is apparently all skeleton now, but with large bones and muscles. He lifted, when only nineteen years old, a bale of cotton weighing over 600 pounds and carried it some twenty-five yards. Only recently, three northern gentlemen offered him $5,000 to go in training for five years to fight the champion of the world. He has never smoked, chewed, or drank any intoxicants, and looks the picture of health. – Salisbury (N.C.) World.

The existence of giants has long been a topic of debate, with skeptics claiming that these individuals were merely mythical creatures. However, historical accounts such as the one mentioned in the Salisbury World newspaper provide invaluable insights into the possible existence of giants and challenge our preconceived notions of what is possible.

One of the main arguments made by skeptics is regarding the phrase “double teeth” mentioned in the article. They claim that this is a common trait in humans and does not provide evidence of a giant’s existence. However, this claim is shallow-minded as the term “double teeth” is used to describe molars that are larger than normal and may be an indicator of a larger skull and jawbone that still possess the baby teeth.. Such physical attributes have been observed in other skeletal remains of giants found around the world, suggesting that they were not mere tall humans but rather a distinct group of individuals with unique physical characteristics.

The article also mentions Will Austin, a tall man from Stanly County who measured 6 feet 9 84 inches in his stocking feet at the young age of 21, and was still growing. Such physical attributes, including the thickness of his bones and muscles, are indicative of the possibility of the existence of giants. In fact, the discovery of an eight-foot skeleton, as mentioned in other historical accounts, is a rare occurrence in the world’s population, with only a few individuals known to be eight feet tall today.

It is unfortunate to learn that the scientific community in the 1800s mishandled such findings, dismissing them as anomalies that did not fit their preferred narrative. However, we must keep an open mind and consider all evidence when seeking answers to our questions about the past. Cherry-picking evidence limits our ability to understand the world around us and provides incomplete and inaccurate answers.

In conclusion, historical accounts such as the one mentioned in the Salisbury World newspaper shed light on the possible existence of giants and challenge our preconceived notions of what is possible. We must approach such evidence with an open mind, consider all possible explanations, and strive to uncover the truth about our past.

  1. North Carolina, Stanly County, Salisbury World, 1897. 

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