Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Measurement Seven Feet Six Inches Tall


“As might be expected, in digging into the mounds some very extraordinary things were discovered. In a mound in Iowa, a skeleton of a giant was found, who, judging from actual measurement, must have stood seven feet six inches tall when alive. The bones crumbled to dust when exposed to the air. Around the neck was a collar of bear’s teeth, and across the thighs were dozens of small copper beads, which may have once adorned a hunting shirt. The latter were turned by rolling slender wire-like strips of metal into little rings. One skull obtained from a mound in Alabama was completely filled with snail shells, though for what purpose we cannot imagine. In another mound in Iowa, a central chamber was found containing eleven skeletons, which were arranged in a circle with their backs against the walls. In their midst, there was a great sea shell which had been converted into a drinking cup.”

The article from the Daily Alta California, published in 1860, provides us with a glimpse into a fascinating world that existed long before our time. The discovery of a skeleton of a giant in a mound in Iowa is one such instance, which provides invaluable insights into the possibility of giants existing in the past. While the bones of the giant crumbled to dust when exposed to the air, the collar of bear’s teeth around the neck and small copper beads across the thighs suggest that the giant may have once adorned a hunting shirt. The details of how the copper beads were made by rolling slender wire-like strips of metal into little rings are also intriguing.

However, what is more interesting is the fact that such findings have been covered up over the years, and we have not explored this further. These accounts of giants have been documented in newspapers and journals from the 1840s to the 1920s, but have been dismissed without proper investigation. This highlights the need for a more in-depth study of the evidence to uncover the truth about giants and their place in our history.

The discovery of a central chamber containing eleven skeletons in a mound in Iowa, arranged in a circle with their backs against the walls, and a great sea shell that had been converted into a drinking cup, also raises many questions about the customs and beliefs of the people who created these mounds. Similarly, the skull filled with snail shells found in a mound in Alabama is yet another mystery that begs to be solved.

As a dedicated researcher, I believe that it is essential to think outside the box and explore these findings to better understand our history and the possibility of the existence of giants. We cannot dismiss these accounts as mere legends without proper investigation.

  1. Source: Daily Alta California, Volume 12, Number 3894, 24 September 1860
  2. Iowa Mound, 1854.

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