Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Gigantic in Stature – The Guanches

An Extinct Race

—Ono ot‘ the most ranuknble races that ever inhabited the earth intww extinct. They were known In the (lunches, and were the nboriginol of the Camry lslandn. In the sixteenth century. Eerttlunuo. ulnvery, nnd the cruelty of tho Jpnniurtle succeeded in totally “terminating thrtti. They are described in having been gigantic in stature. but at n singularly milil tunl goutlcnxiture. Their fiiod conuintod of hxtrloy. whont nnd gtlate’ milk. and their tu-ricultuz-u was of tho rutlost kind. The had it religiun which taught them of n t’itturo utme ut‘ rountrila uttil punishment after deuth and of gum] “lill evil spirits. They regarded the Vulcan” hf ‘l’cnurit‘le us || punishment. for the but. ‘l‘tw billliol ut’ their-dead were carefully cmlmluit-«l itiul tlt‘ptmllfid in catacombs, which still Continue to [to tilt object of cutioeily tutlitmc who visit the IHlttnds. Their iiiiirriugn rite: were very solemn. nml before ‘t‘llgflglltg in them the brides were fitttenod on ‘ttitlk. At the present day than utrnnge peoplc nro tutnlly extinct.

  1. The Vancouver Register, Volume 2, Number 36, 25 May 1867​
  2. The Canary Islands, 1893.

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