Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Yuma Arizona – Giant Indian


YUMA Ariz Arts August 13 By By Th The Associated d Press The Th The happy hunt hunt- huntIng huntIng hunting Ing grounds yesterday esterday claimed one o othe of the most picturesque characters a among a- a among mong meng the Indian tribesmen He was v-as known only as Jumbo t to the white men men men-a. a name given him on account of his massive size Ol Old timers of oC Yuma county recall that tha Jumbo was discovered about 2 25 years ago and hailed balled as a great wrest wrest- ler Alter After establishing an unblemished reputation on local mats the big rec red redman redman man was taken to New York and other eastern cities where he was an attraction unique to fans of ot the nap grap pling art Jumbos Jumbo’s prowess and almost almot super super- superhuman superhuman superhuman human strength gained him a trip to Europe where he appeared In ex mx- On returning to this coun coon country country try Jumbo Joined a circus and gave exhibitions of his skill and muscle power under the big top In all sec sec- sections sections lions of ot the country Yesterday he died aged 62 The ancient ritual o othe of the was invoked and the body was cremated at the Indian settlement late in the afternoon art

  1. Ogden Standard-Examiner | 1927-08-14 | Page 21 | Giant Indian, 62, Wrestler, Dead

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