Greater Ancestors

World Museum

El Paso County – A Giant Indian and a Horse

Workmen excavating for the lake to be used in connection with the “shoot
the chutes ‘ at the Zoo. near Colorado Springs have unearthed the skeleton
of a giant Indian and a horse at a depth of about ten feet. With the ak.*-.etcn were found the remains of a bow and arrow and a half decayed
fragment of a blanket. The supposition ia that the Indian was a Cheyenne
and was carried from the cliffs in a landslide.

  1. The Ordway new era., June 21, 1907, Image 2
  2. Rocky Ford enterprise., June 21, 1907, Image 2
  3. The Elbert County tribune. [volume], June 20, 1907, Image 5
  4. The Dolores star. [volume], June 21, 1907, Image 3
  5. The Springfield herald., June 21, 1907, Image 2
  6. The state herald., June 21, 1907, Image 2

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