Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Sierra County – 19 FEET TALL!!!


Remarkable Discovery Made Near Monticello Sierra County Vouched for by Well Known Probate Judge.

(Special Correspondence to Morning Journal) Killsboro, N. M., sEPT. 10. – The skeleton of a human being measuring 19 feet in length has been unearthed near the town of Montecello this county, according to Probate Judge Fransisco Montoya of that place. The discovery was made after a large flood had passed down a wide canyon emptying into Canada Creek a little below Monticello. The flood washed away an embankment and exposed the huge skeleton lying in a cave where it is undoubtedly reposed for centuries.  While the bones of the skeleton lie in perfect form the crumble at the touch of the hand, and the people up there are puzzled as to how to preserve the remains. The exposure of the skeleton to the air has reduced the bones almost to an ash-like condition. The teeth, which are of immense size are in a good state of preservation. An ancient graveyard was also recently discovered a few miles from Monticello where thirty skeletons were exhumed by men excavating ground for a ground tank. The graves are laid out in regular blocks of ten, and the skeletons show the people, probably Indians, to be of ordinary size. Attention, everyone! An astonishing discovery has been made in Sierra County, New Mexico. A human skeleton measuring 19 feet in length has been unearthed near Monticello, and it has been vouched for by the well-known Probate Judge Francisco Montoya of that place. Can you believe it? A 19-foot human being! This is an incredible find that provides evidence that humans in the past were much larger than we are today. The skeleton was found after a large flood had passed down a wide canyon and exposed the huge skeleton lying in a cave where it is undoubtedly reposed for centuries. Although the bones of the skeleton lie in perfect form, they crumble at the touch of the hand, and the exposure of the skeleton to the air has reduced the bones almost to an ash-like condition. The teeth, which are of immense size, are in a good state of preservation. Moreover, an ancient graveyard was recently discovered a few miles from Monticello, where thirty skeletons were exhumed by men excavating the ground for a ground tank. The graves are laid out in regular blocks of ten, and the skeletons show the people, probably Indians, to be of ordinary size. This discovery is truly fascinating and challenges our perceptions of what we know about the past. Judge Montoya’s eyewitness account and the perfect form of the bones lend credibility to the idea that the skeleton belonged to a giant human being. The fact that the teeth are of immense size also suggests that this being would have been much larger than any human being today. We must explore this topic further and consider the possibility that humans in the past were much larger than we are today. The discovery of this skeleton should be a call to action for further research into the past and the possibility that there were once giants walking among us.
  1. New Mexico, Sierra County, Albuquerque morning journal. [volume], September 12, 1910, Image 1​

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