Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Palermo Giant

A Monster Skull

(This text is from a document-Reader and has not been edited)

Oni· Thai Was Said to Bp Bigger Than i
a Bushel Basket.
< Mit· oj ιln>· most remarkable find* <»f
giganil human remains of which we
htivt ins rcord was thai sail] to have
hoc·»ι nwjde nt Palermo. Siefiv jr the
vein i.Mii. when an entire skeleton of
nnli·’nl of proportions h’iis unearthed
hy sour* marble quarry men Thes«
niauunoth remains measured exactly
thirty fmir fe. t from heail to foot anil
nine loot seven inches from point t<
point of Th’ shoulders
\ vfone as buried with this «>)<i lime
glnnl may -«till be seen at Palermo in
section ··//’ of the Si lsorent museum
It Ν made of a bluish looking, tine
grained bowlder and appears to t*
a bon ι two feel eight inches long by oni
foot broad and nil) inches through in
the thickest place. Λ musty, rusty look
ing lag attached to the relie informs
the visitor that it weighs fifty-two
pounds, but the general verdict, is that
if enulil not weigh over thirty or thir
ty-five pounds.
The skeleton was burned by « mob
in the ypnr ltMI’J (hiring the prevalence
(if the blink «loath at Palermo. th>
Ignorant. superstitions people bebev
Ins that It w as connected In sum· m.vs
tarions wa\ with the death dealing di- |
temper The skull of this giant. a< j
>·<ιΐ·(|ίι:ι: in \bbe Perregus. “‘was large
ly · \cessiv f of the baskets sa yd t<
hold the bushel, being fitted above and
bt’loue wilhp teeth to file number o1
sixt y f ‘lire, ! lie end’, of whleli would
have weighed two ounces.”
Cavalier Seroy ‘ lalined to lave fount, ;
a skull on Tenerife that bad sixty !
teeth Westminster (îa/.elte

The Waxahachie daily light. [volume], August 04, 1909, Image 3

A Skull as Big as a Bushel Basket

sicily palermo
(This text is from a document-Reader and has not been edited)
One of the most remarkable finds oi gigantic human remains of which we have any record was that made atPaler mo, Sicily, in the year 1516, when an en tire skeleton of unheard of lproportions was unearthed by some marble quarry men. These mammoth remains mens ured exactly 34 feet from head to foot, and 9 feet 7 inches from point to point of the shoulders. A stone ax buried with this old time giant may still be seen at Palermo in section “Z” of the St. Isorent museum. It is made of a bluish look ing, fine grained bowlder, and appears to be about 2 feet 8 inches long by 1 foot broad and 9 inches through in the thick est place. A musty, rusty looking tag attached to the relic informs the visitor that it weigh.. 52 pounds, butthe general verdict is that it could not weigh over 30 or 35 pounds. The skeleton was burned by a mob in the year 1662 during the prevalence of the black death at Palermo, the igno rant, superstitious people believing that it was connected in some mysterious way with the death dealing distemper. The skull of this giant, according to Abbe Ferregus, “was largely excessive of the baskets sayd to hold the bushel, being fitted above and belowe withe teeth to the number of sixty-foure, the each of which would have weighed two ounces.” Cavalier Scroy claimed to have found a skull on Teneriffe thathad 60 teeth.–St. Louis Republic.

sicily palermo2

A Monster Skull

A Skull as Big as & Bushel Basket,

One of the most remarkable finds of gigantic human remains of which we have any record was that made at Palermo, Sicily, in the year 1516, when an entire skeleton of unheard of proportions was unearthed by some marble quarrymen. These mammoth remains measured exactly 34 feet from head to foot, and 9 feet 7 inches from point to point of the shoulders. A stone ax buried with this old time giant may still be seen at Palermo in section **Z” of the St. Isorent museum. It is made of a bluish looking, fine grained bowlder, and appears to be about 2 feet 8 inches long by 1 foot broad and 9 inches through in the thickest place. A musty, rusty looking tag attached to the relic informs the visitor that it weighs 52 pounds, but the general verdict is that it could not weigh over 80 or 35 pounds.

The skeleton was burned by a mob in the year 1662 during the prevalence of the black deuth at Palermo, the ignorant, superstitions people believing that it was connected in some mysterious way with the death dealing distemper. The skull of this giant, according to Abbe Ferregus, “*was lurgely excessive of the baskets sayd to hold the bushel, being fitted above and belowe withe teeth to the number of sixty-foure, the each of which would have weighed two ounces.” Cavalier Scroy claimed to have found a skull on Teneriffe that had 60 teeth,—St. Louis Republic.

  1. St. Louis Republic.
  2. The Waxahachie daily light. [volume], August 04, 1909, Image 3
  3. The Colville Examiner, Number 107, 13 November 1909
  4. Fairhaven Herald, Volume 4, Number 85, 21 June 1893

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