Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Columbiana County Petrified Giant


Workingmen Find the Remains Of a Supposed Mound Builder.

East Liverpool, O., May 16. –While excavating for a cellar on his farm near this place, yesterday, William Wright and several workingmen uncovered the petrified skeleton of a giant. The frame measured eighteen feet in length and when the bones are gathered up and weighed they tipped the scales at 353 pounds. It is supposed the bones are those of one of the ancient mound

Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery.

builders which are known to have inhabited this section many years ago the Smithsonian Institute has been advised of the find and the bones will  be shipped to that institution.

The Stark County Democrat, 18 May, 1900 pg 7



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