Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Walworth County – 14 Giant Skeletons

 Mound Yields 14 Skeletons. 

DELAVAN, Wis., April 13. – In a mound near here, at a depth of eight feet, 14 giant skeletons have been found. The burial place had been carefully constructed, with a floor of stone laid, and the walls built up with stone, a roof being constructed by starting an immense fire over a layer of clay, baking it to the consistency of brick. Evidence was found to substantiate the belief that the 14 were killed in battle and buried by the victors.

As a researcher with a strong interest in the study of giants, it is disheartening to hear about the mishandling of such an important discovery. The find of 14 giant skeletons in a carefully constructed burial mound is an incredible discovery, and one that could potentially provide crucial insight into the history of giants in the area. However, the fact that there has been a cover-up about this discovery is concerning and raises questions about what other discoveries have been hidden from the public.

It is essential that discoveries like this are handled properly, with transparency and open communication between the discoverers the public and the scientific community. The fact that there has been a cover-up suggests that there may be more to this discovery than what has been reported. The public should have access to all available information and be allowed to conduct their own research to fully understand the significance of the discovery.

It is also concerning that the burial mound was disturbed and potentially damaged during the excavation process. It is essential that archaeological sites are treated with respect and care to preserve the integrity of the site and the artifacts found within it. Mishandling of archaeological finds can lead to a loss of information that is essential for understanding the past.

Overall, the discovery of 14 giant skeletons is an incredible find, and it is a shame that there has been a cover-up surrounding it. It is essential that the public has access to all available information to conduct their own research and to advance our understanding of the history of giants in the area. It is also crucial that future archaeological finds are handled with care and respect to ensure that we can learn as much as possible from these discoveries.

  1. Wisconisin, Walworth County, April 13,  1911.

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