Greater Ancestors

World Museum

St Paul’s Wharf – 2 Men of Gigantic Stature

Finds in English Soil

It is not too much to assert that any one digging to a suflicient depth in the soil which forms the foundation of the more ancient portion of the metropolis is certain to unearth, in the course of his excava tions, something either curious or inter esting, providing always that the site se lected has not previously been disturbed by pick or spade. Scarcely a week passes but workmen engaged in preparing the foundations for new buildings on the site of ancient structures are thus rewarded, but the “‘treasure trove” is generally in trinsically worthless to the finders, and is carelessly cast aside without the public hearing of it. A find of old Roman pots and vases is a comimon occurrence, and even human re mains are occasionally brought to light. During the erection of St. Paul’s whart by the riverside the skeletons of two men of gigantic stature were dug out. Both were in excellent preservation and excited a considerable amount of discussion, owing to the fact that they had apparently met their death clasped in each other’s arms. The skeleton of a man, with a transverse cut in his skull was found during some building operations in Aldersgate street, The curious mark on the skull suggested foul play, but as the remains had Jain where they were found for, it was con Jectured, some fifty years, it was impossible to obtain evidence in support of the surmise. —London Tit-Bits.​

  1. Fairhaven Herald, Volume 3, Number 88, 22 June 1892​

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