Greater Ancestors

World Museum

San Francisco – A Large Indian


[Special Dispatch to The Call]

SAUSALITO, Feb. 6.-The skeleton of a large Indian in good state of preservation has been discovered in the garden of J. R. Hanify, commodore of the San Francisco yacht club. John McNamara, a local landscape artist and gardener, came upon the bones while digging two feet below the surface of the earth upon the site of the old Hotel Geneva.

The fact that no arrowheads or weapons of any kind were found beside the body has led to the belief that the Indian met his death in a violent manner, as the belongings of a brave were usually buried with him.

The frontal bones of the face are missing, but the lower jaw, with a good set of teeth, is intact.

1. SAUSALITO, Feb. 6. –

2. California, San Francisco, 1910.

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