Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur -Man (7’9″) Woman (6’3″) 1892
Skeleton ! of Tall . lien ;> Vliq 1 . 1 red In UIi . ti . nt Arch . . Near the Mediterranean const , not far from Nice , nre some grottos which are remarkable for tho prehistoric remains found in th ^ rn . The vulnu of tlieso grottos a-s il field of prehistoric research was rnoo ^ nizml twenty years ago . They were at that time piirchuscd by Mr . Einilc Iliviere , who , however , neglected to work them ,. and sold them ug-ain to a quarry-master , who , on removing some , of the vol-Ic , unearthed somu , < f the remains . Since then thegvvltos liavubeen in litipation much of the time , and no one has beon able properly to investigate them . At present three skeletons found there arc figuring- in the law courts . One is a man whose estimated height is seven feet nine injlios . The head of the skeleton is missing . Another is the skeleton of a woman six feet three inches tall , and the third is the remains of . 1 youth s Tilde , added to tho prerious aiiio vZvles , make seven skeletons of prehistoric man uneartheil up to this time in these eaves . The Italian government has not attempted to exercise any rights in the matter .
Up to 187 . Mr . Uivierc had discovered the skeletons of one man and two children , which were -some tiventj * – ninc feet below the level yf the caves , and surrounded by undoubted paleolithic implements . The bed is a compact one of limestone .
- Aspen Daily Leader, July 26, 1892
- Aspen Daily Leader, July 24, 1892
- Aspen Daily Leader, July 20, 1892