Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Marshall County- SEVEN FEET

Moundsville, 1873. 

Mr. Editor,

This city derives its name from a mysterious mound located in the center. The mound is composed of soft, brown clay, similar to that found in an excavation about a mile distant, from which it is supposed to have been transported. The level surface of the surrounding country, together with the two skeletons and many comminuted bones found in its center, prove the mound to be artificial. One of the skeletons is reported to be seven feet high. An excavation to the center of the base and from thence to the top enabled us to (approximately) measure its dimensions, namely: base diameter 250 ft., top diameter 60 ft., increased by leveling process by some dancing party; their platform (now covering the tunnel) is unsafe to “trip the light fantastic toe” upon. The present height is about 17 ft. Before the leveling, from 10 to 25 ft. higher. The great antiquity of this mound is proven by a live oak tree within ten ft. of the top, 4 ft in diameter. The sides of the mound are covered with trees, beech, locust, oak, hickory, etc. A delightful breeze fans its brow. Two questions arise: Who built this mound? For what purpose? The skeletons found therein seem to answer the last, at least partially. It was a royal cemetery similar to the Egyptian Pyramids. The first question remains a mystery unsolved. ITINERANT.

The article from the Wisconsin, Marshall County, Belmont Chronicle dated September 11, 1873, provides an intriguing glimpse into the existence of giants in our ancient past. The mound described in the article is surrounded by a level surface and is composed of soft brown clay, similar to that found in an excavation about a mile away. The presence of two skeletons and many comminuted bones at the center of the mound provides evidence that the structure is artificial. One of the skeletons is reported to be seven feet tall, which is a remarkable height for a human being.

The article also describes the dimensions of the mound, which was measured from the center of the base to the top. The base had a diameter of 250 feet, and the top had a diameter of 60 feet, indicating that the mound had been artificially increased in height. The present height of the mound is about 17 feet, which is lower than its original height due to leveling by a dancing party. The article notes that a live oak tree within ten feet of the top was 4 feet in diameter, suggesting the great antiquity of the mound.

The sides of the mound are covered with trees, including beech, locust, oak, hickory, and others. The article also raises two questions about the mound: Who built it, and for what purpose? The author suggests that the skeletons found in the mound are evidence that it was a royal cemetery similar to the Egyptian pyramids. However, the question of who built the mound remains a mystery.

This account is just one of many that provide evidence of giants in our ancient past. It is important to consider these historical accounts without skepticism and explore their implications fully. The cover-up of such historical findings should be challenged, and these accounts should be brought to the public’s attention. Further investigation is necessary to uncover the truth about giants and their place in our history.

  1. Wisconsin, Marshall County, Belmont chronicle. [volume], September 11, 1873, Image 2

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