Greater Ancestors

World Museum



“Prehistoric Skull Is Brought to Surface On Purcell Farm in Big Bottom

That the Big Bottom district of eastern Lewis county was inhabited by prehistoric man is fully evidenced by a rare specimen of the cast of a skull that was brought to Chehalis on Tuesday by Dr. U. M. Lauman, a well-known physician of Randle. That the human being whose skull is represented lived 20,000 or 50,000 years or more ago is a matter wholly of conjecture. Evidence is indisputable, however, that the cast is that of the skull of what was once a human being.

The top of the skull had apparently been caved in by a blow across it toward the front, the forehead being mashed downward somewhat by the blow. The eyes are plainly visible, as are also the nostrils, the mouth, and the tiny earholes. Many hairs may also be seen with the naked eye, and on the upper lip are evidences of scraggly short hairs. Color of the hair is reddish hue, with some gray hairs at the base of the skull. On the right lower jaw are evidences, also, of a slice of skin.

The skull shows that the man had little or no neck; large and protruding jaw bones; very small-defined eyebrows; small eyes; a flat nose, and wide, large lips. Cheek bones are not prominent, and it bears no resemblance to any known Indian race.

The remarkable find was made a few days ago by Bert Purcell, who lives five miles east of Randle on the John Purcell place. Mr. Purcell was plowing on some pumice stone formation land, and his plow happened to whittle the neck portion from the skull part, making a clear-cut slice. The skull was imbedded top downward in the soil. It was with great difficulty that Mr. Purcell was able to remove the solid cast from the earth, and he had no appreciation of its value to the scientific world when he began his work.

Presumption is that the skull was imbedded there long before the upper Big Bottom district was covered by a vast lake that submerged that entire part of the country. Above and around, near by, are trees nearly 1000 years old.

Dr. Lauman plans to send the specimen to the Smithsonian Institution later after local people have had the opportunity to study it. Dr. Lauman argues that this skull is the remains of Abel of Biblical lore. He says eastern Lewis county is the Garden of Eden, and Cain bashed Abel over the head with some kind of a war club, according to earliest known history, and he challenges anyone to disprove either of these assertions.

The recent discovery of a prehistoric human skull on Purcell Farm in Big Bottom district of eastern Lewis county is an important event that should not be dismissed without further investigation. This rare specimen provides indisputable evidence that prehistoric humans once inhabited the region, and offers invaluable insights into our ancient history. However, it is unfortunate that the scientific community has not paid enough attention to the abundance of historical accounts documenting human skeletons ranging from 6’4″ to 14 feet tall, which suggests the existence of giants in our past.

It is not surprising that the discovery of this prehistoric skull has generated a lot of interest among researchers and the public alike. The skull shows clear evidence of a blow to the top of the head, with the forehead mashed downward somewhat by the impact. The large and protruding jaw, small eyebrows, small eyes, flat nose, and wide, large lips are all intriguing features that suggest a vastly different world from our own. Furthermore, the skull bears no resemblance to any known Indian race, adding to the mystery surrounding its origins.

It is also worth noting the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the skull, with Bert Purcell accidentally uncovering it while plowing on pumice stone formation land. It is possible that there are many more such discoveries waiting to be made, and we should remain open-minded and curious about what other secrets the earth might hold.

Despite the importance of this discovery, it is unfortunate that there have been attempts to dismiss or cover up evidence of giants in our history. The abundance of newspaper articles and journal accounts from the 1840s to the 1920s reporting the discovery of human skeletons ranging from 6’4″ to 14 feet tall suggests that there may have been a deliberate attempt to suppress this information. As a dedicated researcher, I believe it is important to think outside the box and explore all the evidence, even if it challenges our preconceived notions of what is possible.

In conclusion, the discovery of the prehistoric skull on Purcell Farm is an exciting event that highlights the richness of our ancient history. However, it is important to remain open-minded and curious about what other secrets the earth might hold, and to challenge any attempts to dismiss or cover up evidence of giants in our past. Only by exploring all the evidence can we hope to uncover the truth about our ancient history and the mysteries that still remain.


That the Big Bottom district –

Research done by Rephaim23

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