Freeborn County – People of Large Stature
Find Remnants of Race That Anteceded Indian
Four skeletons, remnants of a race believed to have inhabited Minnesota before the Indians, were unearthed in a gravel pit five miles south east of Alpert Lea, reports the St. Paul Pioneer Press.
University of Minnesota scientists notified of the find, hurried to the place to take charge of the skeletons.
That the bones were not those of Indians or white men were indicated by the fact, the university men said, that the skulls had scarcely any forehead. The head slanted straight back from the eye sockets and were decidedly oblong in shape.
The skeletons were buried about three feet under the gravel and rock formation and were fairly well preserved. The bones were people of large stature.
One of the skeletons had a large brass ring lying near the nasal opening of the skull, indicating that it had been worn as a nose ornament. The ring is larger than a dollar and crudely carved.
The scientists expressed the opinion that the discovery would be of extreme importance and pronounced the find rare.
Minnesota Alpert Lea he midland journal., November 02, 1934, Image 7