Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Doddridge County – Nine Foot Skeletons


Salem College Professor Believes They were members of Siouan Indian Race.

By the Associated Press

SALEM, W. Va, June 14 – Excavation of two mounds near Morganville, about 12 miles west of here, has revealed what Prof. Ernest Button, head of the history department of Salem College, believes is valuable evidence of a race of giants who inhabited this section of West Virginia more than 1,000 years ago. In one mound was a lone skeleton, believed by Button to be a tribal chief or ruler, while in the other larger mound three skeletons were found together. The tribal leader was found completely encased in a chamber carefully prepared from large, flat rocks, sealed with clay.

Skeletons of four mound builders, indicating they were from 7 to 9 feet tall, have been uncovered. Prof. Sutton believes they were members of a race known to anthropologists as Siouan Indians.

Data on the discovery will be submitted to the Smithsonian Institution.”

The discovery of a nine-foot skeleton in West Virginia is of great significance to the study of prehistoric peoples in North America. The fact that the skeleton was found alongside other skeletons of similarly large size suggests that these giants were not anomalies, but members of a distinct race of people. This discovery could potentially challenge the commonly held view of Native American history and prompt a reevaluation of the way we understand the ancient peoples of North America.

Unfortunately, the fact that the skeleton was found over a century ago and the whereabouts of the remains are unknown is cause for concern. It’s possible that the skeleton is currently stored in a museum collection, or worse, has been lost to time. If the remains were found and properly analyzed, they could provide invaluable information about the genetic makeup and lifestyle of these ancient giants. It’s unfortunate that we may never know the full extent of this discovery, but it should serve as a reminder of the importance of proper storage and preservation of archaeological finds.

Furthermore, the fact that the data on the discovery was submitted to the Smithsonian Institution raises suspicions about the possible cover-up of the findings by the Smithsonian. It is widely believed that the Smithsonian has a history of suppressing archaeological discoveries that do not fit within their preconceived notions of history. If this is the case, the discovery of the nine-foot skeleton would not be an isolated incident but part of a larger pattern of deception by the Smithsonian. It is important that we continue to investigate these claims and hold institutions accountable for their actions.

  1. West Virginia, Doddridge County, 1930

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