Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Allegheny County – seven Feet with Enormous Teeth

While workmen were engaged in working in an ore bank along the potomac near Cumberland they unearthed the skeleton of a giant. The skeleton measured over seven feet in height and the teeth were of enormous size.

  1. Martinsburg herald. [volume], November 19, 1898, Image 3


Special to the Register.
Cumberland, Md., November 13.— While workmen were engaged in dig ! ging in an ore bank along tb« Potomac j river they unearthed the skeleton of j a giant. The body had been buried in a box, which had decayed, leaving i nothing but the hand-made nails that ! had held it together. The skeleton j measured over seven feet in height and | the teeth were of enormous size.

  1. Wheeling register. [volume], November 14, 1898, LAST EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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