Greater Ancestors

World Museum

9 Foot Skeleton from Montana

A human skeleton measuring almost 9 feet in height, and according to the robust skeleton and the muscle connections to the bones must have possessed superhuman strength by today’s standards.

A female skeleton nearby was only slightly smaller, and must have been awesome to behold.

Nearby was a skeleton of a dog that was almost the size of a full grown horse.

Professor Machus S. Farr a government educator and his students from Princeton College excavated these finds in Fish Creek County in Montana. There the excavated a mound near the creek and found a cache of items, bones and the evidence of both greater humans, greater animals, and the evidences of an advanced civilization.

This is the evidence of an ancient city along with stone implements with embedded gems and animals of great size.

 ~Chris L Lesley

Logansport Reporter, September 3, 1903
Prehistoric Relics Unearthed in Montana
Fritz Zimmerman: The Nephilim Chronicles, Angels in the Ohio Valley


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