Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Glen Innes axe of Great Size


Two men were engaged digging on Mr. Swan’s Byron Estate, Glen Innes (N.S.W.) last week, when they found
a blackfellow’s axe of great size, yet perfectly shaped. , It is a common thing for bushngen to discover aboriginal axes, but his particular one is several pounds in weight, and could have been wielded only by a giant. It resembles the – old-fashioned battle-axe, and its size can be imagined from the fact that the head measures 10 inches between edge and haft, and is 8 inches across. ,It was uncovered by a land Slide, and had probably lain hidden for many years. It is in a good state of preservation, and of extremely hard stone. It has been sent by Mr. Swan to the National Museum, and is in all probability unique.
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 – 1954) Fri 18 Jul 1919 Page 3 BLACKFELLOW’S GIANT AXE.


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