Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Geauga Race of Giants All Sizes

Ancient Burial in Northeastern Ohio.

Stone burial cists have opened in Iliinois, Missouri and Tennessee, but those declared below, by Mr. Baldwin, constitute the first authenticated group of this class of remains in Ohio. When the bones of the Mound Builders were first uncovered, it was, and still is, a popular belief that they were a race of giants. The skulls and other bones of the supposed Mound-builders, like those in Parkman, are found to be, on examination, those of persons of all ages and sizes, often bent and crowded into the least possible space. Parkman is the southeastern township of Geauga County, Ohio.

. . .traced from their first hour by the clear light of history. It is true that over this continent hangs an impenetrable veil of tradition, mystery and silence. But it is the tradition of the races fast passing away; the mystery of a still earlier race, which flourished and perished long before its discovery by the Europeans. The story of the Mound Builders can never be told. The fate of the Indian tribes will soon be a half-forgotten tale. But the history of the European civilization and institutions on this continent can be traced with precision and fullness; unless we become forgetful of the past, and neglect to save and perpetuate its precious memorials.

Among the earlier discoverers no name shines out with more brilliancy than that of the Chevalier La Salle. The story of his explorations can scarcely be equaled in romantic interest by any of the stirring tales of the Crusaders. Born of a proud and wealthy family in the north of France, he was destined for the service of the Church of the Jesuit Order. But his restless spirit, fired with the love of adventure, broke away from the ecclesiastical restraints, to confront the dangers of the New World and extend the empire of Louis XIV. From the best evidence accessible, it appears that he was the first white man that saw the Ohio River. At twenty-six years of age we find him with a small party, near the western extremity of Lake Ontario, boldly entering the domain of the Dreaded Iriquois, traveling Southward and westward through the wintery wilderness until he reached a branch of the Ohio, probably the Allegheny. He followed it to the main stream, and descended that, until, in the winter of 1669 and 1670, he reached the Falls of the Ohio, near the present site of Louisville.

  1. Cleveland Western Reserve & Northern Ohio Historical Society
  2. Historical Society of Geauga County, O. (Ohio) – 1880 – ‎Geauga County (Ohio) page 9
  3. Historical Society of Geauga County, O. (Ohio) – 1880 – ‎Geauga County (Ohio) page 10





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