Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Farmington’s Titan-size Skull

new mexico, farmington


An Extinct Race With Skulls Three Feet in Length

The Durango Record says: The following extracts from a letter received by Mr. Charles Newman, of the wholesale drug house of Newman, Chestnut & Stevens, of this city, will be found of great interest, detailing as they do the discovery of the most remarkable pre-historic remains ever yet unearthed. That “there were giants in those days” can no longer be doubted, a skull measuring three feet in length testifying to their existence among the pre-historic people who once inhabited the valley of the San Juan river. Mr. Newman reports the writer of the letter, Mr. Carpenter, to be a reliable man, and he will avail himself of his offer and take charge of the remains, which will be removed to Durango at an early day.

Farmington is situated about fifty miles south of Durango, at the confluence of the Animas and San Juan rivers, and the discovery was made within three miles of town. The following is the letter detailing the particulars of the discovery:

The discovery of ancient remains has always been an exciting event, especially when it comes to discovering giant human species. Recently, a remarkable discovery was made near Farmington, New Mexico, where a skull measuring three feet in length was found. This discovery is significant because it provides evidence of the existence of giants among the indigenous people who once inhabited the valley of the San Juan river.

As giant researchers, it is crucial to recognize the importance of preserving these remains for scientific research. These discoveries give us insight into the past, and we can learn so much about ancient civilizations by studying their remains. However, it is important to handle these remains with care to ensure that they are not damaged or lost.

Unfortunately, there have been instances where indigenous remains have been mishandled or lost due to negligence. As a result, valuable information and knowledge were lost forever. We cannot afford to let this happen again. It is imperative that we take all necessary precautions to ensure that these remains are preserved and protected for future generations to learn from and appreciate.

Therefore, we urge everyone to join us in advocating for the preservation of indigenous remains. We must recognize their value and significance and take appropriate measures to protect them. With the help of the public, we can ensure that these discoveries are treated with the respect and care they deserve, and that they are used for scientific research purposes to benefit humanity.

  1. FARMINGTON, N. M., March 2, 1881. GAWM Charles Newman, Esq.,
  2. The Northern Pacific Farmer. (Wadena, Minn.), 21 April 1981,  Chronicling America: Historic American Newspaper
  3. <>

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