Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Butler County, A Thigh like an Ox

It is named for General Richard Butler, who died in 1791 during St. Clair’s Defeat. It is also home to Miami University, an Ohio public university.

It is stated of a skeleton enormous size has been found on the East bank of the Big Miami River, on the farm of Mr. Lewis Strong, near Cincinnati. The recent freshets washed away a portion of the ground, while plowing Mr. Strong unearthed a pile of bones, which proved to be human, and of a size that would make the stories of “Jack and the Giant Killer” creditable. The thigh bone being as large as those of an ox. Around the bones were a number of Indian relics, such as a tomohawk, spearheads, etc, leading to the belief that the remains were those of an Indian chief. The skull has been taken to Mr. Strong’s residence where it can be seen.


Huge Skeletons Unearthed.

Hamilton, Ohio, February 11. – A geologist has discovered a mound builders’ burying ground, in which many skeletons of immense size were found, about four miles from this place. It is thought that the discovery will prove an important one in geological circles. Roanoke Daily Times, Roanoke Virginia, February 12, 1890. Page 1.

  1. Weekly Journal, Stanford, Ky. July 14, 1882 Bones of a Giant. Bone as large as an Ox.
  2. Biographical and Historical Sketches, A Concise History of Hamilton, Ohio Stephen Decatur Cone, 1901 pg 16.
  3. A Tradition of Giants, Ross Hamilton:
  • Indian Burial Ground Discovered in Ohio, Washington Times, May 5, 1908, page 5
  • footnote 112, Trenton Times, Trenton, New Jersey, Saturday, May 24, 1890
  1. The Sun, New York, N.Y. March 4 1890, pg 4
  2. Roanoke Daily Times, Roanoke Virginia, February 12, 1890. Page 1.
  3. The Middletown Daily News Signal, 21 March 1908, pg 8.
  4. The New Journal, (Hamilton Ohio) March 7, 1892. A Large Human Skeleton.
  5. The Sun, New York, New York, March 4, 1890. (Hamilton Ohio)’was over seven feet tall”.
  6. Cambridge City, Indiana Tribune, September 26, 1889. Relics in Ohio Mounds. A Gigantic Man Buried Alongside a Panther.


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