Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Kittitas County – Bones of an Ancient Giant

Lexington gazette., October 02, 1912, Page 6, Image 6BONES OF ANCIENT GIANT
Amazing Discovery In Oregon ls of Great Interest to Anthropologists.
The discovery of the bones of a human glaut at Hllrnsburg ls one of the most Interesting anthropological finds made in the northwest, according to
L. Ii. Sharp, chief of the general land ufflce. “I Just returned from Ellensburg,” said he, “where I bad opportunity to view the bones unearthed. The skuli, jawbone, thigh and other parts
of the largest skeleton Indicated a man to my mind of at least eight feet high. A man or his stature and massive frame would weigh fully 300 pounds. ?t least. The head ls one of the most
remarkable I ever have studied among prehistoric skulls. It ls massive, with enormous brain space. While the forehead slopes down somewhat, not averaging the abrupt eminence of our present race, the width between the ears and the deep, well-rounded space at tho back of the head are convincing testimony of high intelligence for
a primitive man. The cheekbones
ara not high, like those of the Indian, nor has the head any resemblance to the Indian skull. I am convinced that this skull 1b of a prehistoric man who waB one of a remarkable race of people who inhabited this part of America some time prior to the Indian control. “The bones weie uncovered fully 20 f-et beneath the surface. There is the usual gravel formation on top, then the conglomerate, a stratum of shale, and In a bed of concrete gravel beneath the Shale were the bones of the giant and of a smaller person.
The shale would Indicate tremendous age, perhaps more than 1,000.000
years, for the deposit in which the skeleton was found. But this I deem
Imposslblep, and presume that the bones were put beneath the shale by
means of a tunnel perhaps, or some other system of Literment. I cannot
think it possible that a human being of the advanced Btage indicated by
thls great skull could have existed at the period when the shale was
formed.”?Portland (Ore.) Telegram.

Research done by Chris Lesley

Lexington gazette., October 02, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

Republican news item., November 22, 1912, Image 3

