Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Beechbottom Giant Human Skeleton

Beechbottom Giant H554294_152206718265038_737462981_numan Skeleton

There Were Giants

Discovery of a giant human skeleton in a mound at Beechbottom. W Va., by a group of University of Pennsylvania

From the Philadelphia Public Ledger

Discovery of a giant human skeleton in a mound at Beechbottom, W. Va., by a group of University of Pennsylvania scientists is of more than passing importance. For the skeleton, besides being surrounded by jewelry and stone implements and what must have been woven coverings, was buried with copper and bronze coins having undeciphered inscriptions.

The mounds of the Ohio Valley have been one of ancient America’s unsolved mysteries. Who the mound builders were, whence they came and why they vanished, constitute a hidden chapter of the past. It is already known that they had a civilization high in many respects, but the discovery of coins in the Beechbottom grave is believed to be the first proof of anything resembling a monetary system among them.

The size of the skeleton, which was that of a man about eight feet in height, is interesting but not essentially significant. Primitive peoples have always worshiped physical perfection. A giant man could easily achieve leadership, which would justify such burial luxury as that found at Beechbottom. But even seven-footers are not at all common today, and the existence of an eight-footer is new in the recorded knowledge of these mysterious early Americans. Only close examination can determine whence such people probably came, from the East or the West, from Europe or Asia. Meanwhile, it is interesting to know that giants – giants who even coined money – lived in the distant past that knew the cryptic mounds of the upper Ohio.

The discovery of a giant human skeleton in a mound at Beechbottom, W. Va., is an important finding that challenges our understanding of ancient America. The fact that the skeleton was surrounded by jewelry, stone implements, and woven coverings, as well as copper and bronze coins with undeciphered inscriptions, suggests a high level of civilization and possibly a monetary system among the mound builders. While the size of the skeleton, roughly eight feet in height, may not be significant in and of itself, it does offer insight into the physical prowess and leadership potential of these early Americans.

This discovery raises many questions about the origin and culture of these mysterious early Americans. The mounds of the Ohio Valley have been a subject of curiosity for centuries, but their builders and their ultimate fate remain unknown. The existence of giants, ranging from 6’4″ to 14 feet tall, as documented in historical accounts from the 1840s to the 1920s, challenges our preconceived notions of what is possible and offers a glimpse into a world vastly different from our own. It is important that we do not dismiss such evidence without further investigation.

Unfortunately, there have been attempts to cover up or dismiss these findings in the past. As dedicated researchers, we must remain uncompromising in our pursuit of truth and continue to explore the evidence surrounding the existence of giants and their place in our history. The discovery of the giant human skeleton in Beechbottom is a reminder that there is still much to learn about the past and that we must remain open to new discoveries and ideas.

As we continue to study the mounds of the Ohio Valley and other ancient sites, we must approach the evidence with an open mind and a willingness to challenge our assumptions. It is only through rigorous investigation and a commitment to the truth that we can gain a deeper understanding of our shared human history. The existence of giants is a fascinating and important aspect of that history, and we must not allow it to be swept under the rug or forgotten.

Research done by Rephaim23″

~Chris L Lesley/GAWMuseum

