Greater Ancestors

World Museum

Petrifications, Some of men and some are species not extinct

Could this be the origins of the Cardiff Giant?

Humans and Greater Reptiles may have been discovered many years ago in a cave of the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee.

The public are indebted to Mr. Jeffries, the author of the above volume, for the preservation of this discovery, which, to a great extent, like many other antiquities of the West, was lost sight of. He has been untiring in his efforts to present authentic facts, in order to show that this continent has been inhabited by mankind many thousand of ages past.. . .

Though the vandalism of curious visitors to these interesting remains of man have virtually defaced and destroyed them, yet, fortunately, a likeness was taken before they were in the least disturbed, and has been preserved in an engraving in Dr. Joseph Comstock’s work. . . .

Mr. Jeffries’ notice of these wonderful petrifications, in his history above alluded to, has induced us to reproduce in our columns the engraving and remarks of Dr. Comstock.

“There are” he says, “in the Cumberland Mountains, especially in the neighborhood of Laurel Ridge, Tennessee, many natural curiosities. The vicinity abounds with caves, in which are vaulted apartments, large and splendid, and which viewed by torchlight, display a gloomy grandeur. It is a region of animal bones and of petrifications, both animal and vegetable. Some are of men, and some of species of animals now extinct.


But the most interesting of all the discoveries yet made is that of Messers. Chester and Davis, about a mile beyond the Mammoth Grotto, in the mountains referred to, in a cave which they discovered themselves, of one hundred and twenty-five feet into the mountain. This cave is of difficult entrance, and in it was found the bodies of two petrified men and a petrified dog. One of the men was holding a spear in his hand in a balanced position, as though he was surprised and had just started on a quick walk.

The other is in a sitting posture, with his head as it were leaning against a projected rock.

The dog is in a lying posture, upon a flat rock, as if crouched in terror, or as about to make a spring, the features of the body not being distinct enough to certainly tell which. It is extremely difficult to conjecture what caused the death of the man in the erect posture, and how he should have died standing erect, with a spear in his hand.”

It is not known positively as to which of the races these petrified subjects belonged, but evidently the Caucasian or Mongolian. The symmetry of body and limbs indicated Caucasian mold, while the head and face resembled the Mongolian type. As regards the time when the bodies became petrified, no age can even be approximated. Everything about them in the cave, as well as upon the surface of the earth above them, shows that a very great many years had rolled by since they first occupied their mysterious positions. Everything in their subterranean place of abode is of very antique character. The dog does not seem to be of any living species, but resembles the hound most.””


Phrenological Journal June 1870

Discovery of Petrified Human Bodies

“The Natural History of the Human Races”, page 71

“The Tongue of Time and Star of the States,” published in New York in 1938.


Phrenological Journal June 1870 Discovery of Petrified Human Bodies

“The Natural History of the Human Races”, page 71

“The Tongue of Time and Star of the States,” published in New York in 1938.

Some are of men, and some of species of animals now extinct. (Greater Reptile Reference)

The Geologist, December 1862

Humans and Greater Reptiles may have been discovered many years ago in a cave of the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee.


by Greater Ancestors World Museum on Monday, August 15, 2011 at 8:29pm

